Certificate Object


The certificate object is used to make requests to the RCL SSL API.

Property Data Type Description Example
certificateName string The hostname you are requesting the certificate for contoso.com
rootDomain string The root domain for the hostname 1 contoso.com
challengeType string The challenge type, either ‘http’ or ‘dns’ 2 dns
password string The email of the certificate owner jdoe@mail.com
password string Set a password for the certificate sgrtd$qwdd56
target string The certificate type 3 Stand ALone
isSAN bool Whether the certificate is a SAN certificate false
orderUri string The URI to get details of an certificate order https:./acme
subscriptionId int The id of the subscription that owns the certificate 71
tokens List of ValidationToken A list of tokens to complete the challenge  
pfxString string The pfx certificate in string format MbRu7Evm..
certificateDownloadUrl CertificateDownloadUrl An object that provides the url to download certificate and key  
issueDate string The date the certificate was issued 2024-12-03T23:52:13.4471564
expiryDate string The date the certificate will expire 2024-12-03T23:52:13.4471564
azureSubscriptionId string The Azure Subscription Id that contains your resources (eg. DNS Zone) 650085hg4…
accessToken string An Azure Access Token to access resources in your Azure subscription eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1…
accessTokenKeyVault string An Azure Access Token to access your Azure Key Vault eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1…
dnsZoneResourceGroup string The Azure Resource Group that contains your Azure DNS Zone myRG
keyVaultName string The name of your Azure Key Vault mykeyvault
azureAppServicePlanResourceGroup string The Azure Resource Group that contains your App Service Plan aspRG
azureAppServicePlanName string The name of your App Service Plan standardASP
azureAppServiceResourceGroup string The Azure Resource Group that contains your App Service webRG
azureAppServiceName string The name of your App Service shopeneur
azureAppServiceSlotName string The name of the slot (if any) for your App Service dev


  1. The root domain is the ‘apex’ domain. For instance, the root domain for the hostname: ‘shop.contoso.com’ is ‘contoso.com’. Similarly, the root domain for the hostname : ‘contoso.com’ is ‘contoso.com’ and ‘*.contoso.com’ is ‘contoso.com’.

  2. In the ‘http’ challenge, you will place a file in the root of your website to prove that you control the domain. In the ‘dns’ challenge, you will place a TXT record in the in your Domain Registrar to prove that you control the domain.

  3. The certificate type may include : ‘Stand ALone’, ‘Azure DNS’, ‘Azure KeyVault + DNS’ , ‘Azure App Service’

ValidationToken Object

The validation token object contains the token name and value to complete a ‘http’ or ‘dns’ challenge.

Property Data Type Description Example
tokenName string The name of the token _acme-challenge
tokenValue string The token value iuH5jstOQLXk2hGs
challengeType string The challenge type, eg ‘dns’ or ‘http’ dns

CertificateDownloadUrl Object

The certificate download url object will provide links to the certificate and its keys in various formats

Property Data Type Description Example
pemUrl string The url to download the certificate in ‘pem’ format “https://…rf
pfxUrl string The url to download the certificate in ‘pfx’ format “https://…rf
cerUrl string The url to download the certificate in ‘cer’ format “https://…rf
crtUrl string The url to download the certificate in ‘crt’ format “https://…rf
txtUrl string The url to download the certificate in ‘txt’ format “https://…rf
keyUrl string The url to download the private key in ‘key’ format “https://…rf
keyTxtUrl string The url to download the private key in ‘txt’ format “https://…rf
certCrtUrl string The url to download the primary certificate in ‘crt’ format “https://…rf
cabundleCrtUrl string The url to download the intermediate certificates in ‘crt’ format “https://…rf
fullchainCrtUrl string The url to download the full chain certificate in ‘crt’ format “https://…rf