Testing the RCL SSL AutoRenew Function


In this section, you will learn how to test the RCL SSL AutoRenew function.

  • In the Azure portal, open the function app and click the ‘Functions’ link

  • Then, open the ‘Certificate-Schedule-Renewal-Manual’ function


  • In the Certificate-Schedule-Renewal-Manual function, click on ‘Code + Test’, and expand the ‘Logs’ window

  • Switch to Filesystem Logs instead of App Insights Logs

  • Get the function Url (default)

Example Function URL with a function key



  • Replace the {certificatename} place holder with a certificate you created in the RCL SSL Portal.
  • Paste the URL in a browser and send the request

  • You should see the output of the function in the browser similar to the one shown below.


  • You should see the output of the function in the logs window similar to the one shown below.


  • Please ensure that there are no errors in the log. If there are errors, the function is misconfigured and certificate renewal will fail.

  • Wait a few minutes and check the RCL SSL Portal to see if the certificate was renewed.


The ‘Certificate-Schedule-Renewal-Automatic’ function will run on a weekly basis and automatically renew certificates that are about to expire. There is no need to manually run the ‘Certificate-Schedule-Renewal-Manual’ function apart from manual testing.

Ensure you add the certificates you want to automatically renew in the Environmental variable when you Configure the function.

The function will run once a week and automatically renew the certificates 14 days before the expiration date.