Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Info
The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) provides information about the holder of the certificate. To add the CSR info, follow these steps :
In the RCL SSL Portal, expand the ‘SSL/TLS Certificates’ menu from the main side menu
Click on the ‘CSR Info’ link
Add the CSR information and then click the ‘Create’ button
Valid CSR Info
The CSR Info may only contain words with common and capital letters (a-z, A-Z) and numbers (0 - 9).
Commas (,) are allowed in addresses only. Do NOT use fullstops (.) or hyphens (-, _).
Do NOT use characters such as accents (à), tildes(ã), special characters (&,$,#,etc.), language specific character (eg: ç , ô , å , etc.).
Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in an invalid X509 name.